Telangana Hyderabad Traffic e Challan Status Check

The Hyderabad city has a challan system that is organized by the officers and the employees of the city traffic police. The e-challan system is playing a vital role in maintaining a database of the challan list and collecting fines from them.

Types of challans:

Any violations of traffic rules will lead to the payment of challan but there are two different types of challans as described below

  1. INVESTIGATIVE: if the challans are filled electrically by investigative cameras when a vehicle is against the traffic rules
  2. DIGITAL CAMERAS: this is done when cops are on works they will snap your vehicle number if you violate the rules and then challan will be filled

e challan Hyderabad status check:


To check the status of e-challan there is an official page available for that follow the below official link to know about the status

There are two views on this page as

  1. Administration view
  2. Public view

Step 1:Goto official page

The following page will be displayed

Step 2: Enter the number of the vehicle and the captcha code

Step 3: If you have any challan to pay then it will display if not it will display no pending

Step 4: If you have any challans to pay then the details of the type of challan and the amount to be paid and the  option of more details is available where there is a direction to the image will be provided on the page

The page will appear as shown below

Step 5: By following the details you will be provided with payment options

Step 6: If you are not sure about the details they provided as vehicle number and photo then you can contact the authorities by an available option “report us”.

TS traffic challan payment online – mode of payment:

The payment of challan for violating the traffic rules can be done in several ways. There are three main ways for the payment as

    1. Payment in e-seva center
    2. Payment through net banking
    3. Payment in AP online seva
    4. Payment in E-SEVA center: the government of Hyderabad had established many centers for collection of challans and other revenues after getting information about the challans of your vehicle you can pay through cash. To get an idea about the e-Seva centers to follow the below link

The following page will be displayed as shown below

  1. Payment through net banking: the payment of challan the can be done by through online by following the official website
by following the link a webpage will be displayed as shown below

First of all, you have to enter the vehicle number with captcha if you are liable for any challan then there is an option for net banking then you can pay through credit/debit cards.

  1. Payment in AP online Seva: anyone can directly use this page for the payments of challan with your credit/debit card.

How to get updates of challan:


It will hardly take 24 hours for the updation of your payment if not you can contact the traffic department regarding this with proof that payment is done.

Documents need to carry to avoid challan:

The following described are the documents need to be carried to avoid challans

  1. Driving license
  2. Vehicle registration documents
  3. Driving permit
  4. RC book

Fine for violating traffic rules:

 No entry violation 200
U-turn violation 200
Entering prohibited areas 200
Rash driving 1000
Travelling on footpath 50-200
Driving without helmet 200
Driving an overweight vehicle 1000 per ton
Driving without license 1000
Driving with invalid number plate 200
Disobeying traffic police 200
Driving at the stop signal 200
Using mobile while driving 1000
Driving without PUC certificate 1000
Violating no parking 200